Mumbai, The fact that Anees Bazmi is not part of the sequel to his successful “Singh Is Kinng” has not dampened the busy director’s spirits. He is shooting the pre-climax song for his comedy “No Problem” with his 17 principal male actors and 150 junior artistes, all dressed as Sikhs dancing to a boisterous number called “Mast Punjabi”.
Says Anees: “The fun part of it is not a single principal actor or junior artiste is a Sardarji. They’re all disguised as Sardarjis for a number that is my tribute to the community I came to love while making ‘Singh Is Kinng’.
“The Sikhs too love me, so much so that I’m said to be a half a Sikh myself. I had to do something after ‘Singh Is Kingg’ to show my love for that wonderful community. The climax of ‘No Problem’ is my tribute to the Sikhs who keep urging me to do the sequel to ‘Singh Is Kinng’.”
Anees admits there has been no feeler from producer Vipul Shah to do a sequel.
“Only Vipul can tell why I haven’t been approached to do ‘Singh Is Kinng 2′ when the entire concept, look and execution of the first film is mine,” Anees said.
Anees says he would have accommodated “Singh Is Kinng 2″ into his busy schedule even at this late stage if Vipul asked. Since Vipul is directing the sequel, Anees, whose affinity to the Sikh community is intense, decided to write the climax of “No Problem” as a homage to the Sikh community.
Every actor from Sanjay Dutt, Sunil Shetty, Akshaye Khanna and Anil Kapoor to Paresh Rawal, Vishwajeet Pradhan and Suresh Menon is dressed as a Sikh in “No Problem”.
“It’s supposed to be a roadside Punjabi dhaba in South Africa. We’ve called it The Dhaba. All the 17 main actors and 150 junior artistes barring Vijay Raaz are Sardarji. And a sign on the set says “Punjab 0 Kms’,” said Anees.
Vipul Shah said: “I’ve nothing against Aneesbhai. We did ‘Singh Is Kinng’ amicably. But at the moment he’s directing many projects. He’s over-committed. When he did the first Singh film for me I was accused by producers of stealing him away from other projects. I don’t want that accusation on my head again.”